ExtraFood's mission is to help end hunger and wasted food in the Bay Area. Our food recovery program rescues excess fresh food from businesses, schools, and gardens and immediately delivers it to people facing food insecurity.


  • 1 in 5 people in Marin and 1 in 4 people in San Francisco are food-insecure.
  • More than 10,000 children and 12,00 seniors in Marin are food-insecure.
  • 35% of all food is wasted in the U.S.
  • Food is the most plentiful material in landfills.
  • 14% of all freshwater in the U.S. is used to produce our wasted food each year.
  • Decaying food in landfills releases methane, warming the planet 86x the rate of carbon dioxide.
  • If global food waste were a country, it would rank 3rd in greenhouse gas emissions after China and the U.S.
  • Increasing equitable access to healthy, fresh food enables hungry kids to learn, struggling adults to find jobs, and vulnerable seniors to age in place with dignity.


We couldn't do our work without our coalition of partners, all working together

Because of the support of our community, ExtraFood will achieve our vision:

A vision of food justice: Everyone in our community should have the food they need

A vision of climate action: Food waste and its massive harm to our planet must end

A vision of community: Food waste and hunger are solvable problems in our community; with this living, 

growing coalition of people and partners, we can solve them — together

Help Us Increase Equitable Access To Healthy Fresh Food

Support Our Work

"I am proud to recognize and celebrate the important work of ExtraFood. They are an exceptional model for how to address hunger, reduce food waste and fight climate change all at the same time. They are providing fresh, healthy foods to many who would not otherwise have access to it. And they have become a critical part of Marin County’s emergency response, providing over 90,000 freshly made meals during the COVID-19 pandemic alone. I am grateful for their work and service to the community."

~ Assembly Member | Marc Levine

Representing District 10, Marin and Sonoma Counties
Selected ExtraFood as Nonprofit of the Year for 2022